The Brownsville Historic Survey is an ongoing project and this website was created to present draft work products. Please let us know what you think!
Martha Day

“And the wonderful thing about the Hampton House, you would meet so many people that you had growing up in different parts of Miami, and they would come together, of all levels, and they just relaxed, and we all had fun. It was a terrific experience because it was, it was new then.”
“I used to go to Ms. Bethune’s house, and I'd read stories to her and she would tell us her experience that she had all over the world and how we had to be determined, and we feel don't sit there and have a pity party, feeling sorry. Get up! And try it again until keep meeting people of all races. And, and be nice to everybody. And don't hate anybody. Because, she said, saying a sewing machine helped her when she started school with a dollar and a half and five little girls. And so that inspired me.”
“I'm proud of all my students. In fact, I'm proud I’m proud of Brownsville, period. Because we've got to stay there, and make it beautiful, and lasting.”
“Lived in four sections and decided to settle in Brownsville. And I've helped in every one of them, and I know so many people in all of them. And they still come up to me and thank me. That's, that's the most rewarding thing, when you “Oh!” I say, “I don’t remember you.” And then they tell me the experience when I helped them with their children, and that’s the most rewarding thing in my life. That I could help somebody else at a time when they needed it. Because so many people help, you but you don't need it then. You need it earlier in life, and they won't take a chance on helping again because it can't wait. You can’t wait!”
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