The Brownsville Historic Survey is an ongoing project and this website was created to present draft work products. Please let us know what you think!
Mrs. Miller & Mrs. Pratt
“And growing up having a mother and a grandmother that brought us up so good that we were able. She was able, our entire family graduated from Booker T. Washington High School, which is a tremendous as 12 people. I got to give the names later on if you want, but we graduated and also my oldest sister, a mentor and my sister here. That's why I'm here with her, because she taught me a lot. She always helped me out anybody bother with me; she'd beat them up. But just being a part of a loving family, and a caring family, and a very I guess you would say middle-class innovative family. That's that one to make sure that everybody had a chance to a better life. And that's what my grandmother was about, and my mother, and then comes in the Mr. Jones. And my sister will come and tell you about that.”
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