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Welcome to Brownsville

Historic Survey

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Learn about where you live, Brownsville!


Brownsville is a historically Black neighborhood in Miami-Dade County. One of the most famous landmarks is the Historic Hampton House, a mid-century hotel that catered to Black travelers during the Green Book era, and hosted famous guests such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Muhammad Ali. The neighborhood is also home to historic Lincoln Memorial and Evergreen cemeteries, and Georgette’s Tea Room, a prominent gathering spot for social events. The Brownsville Civic Neighborhood Association has been leading efforts for many years to preserve and highlight this historic neighborhood. Thanks to a National Park Service grant obtained by the Dade Heritage Trust, a non-profit historic preservation organization, working in collaboration with the BCNA, Brownsville is currently being surveyed for historic and cultural resources. The firm PlusUrbia is conducting the survey working with the BCNA and community members.

Why a survey?

Surveys are fundamental to historic preservation because these result in the identification of historic resources, help determine which of those resources should be preserved and can be essential in shaping local ordinances, guidelines or downtown master plans to protect these resources.

Brownsville Landmarks

Brownsville Historic Survey

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